Thursday, April 5, 2012

Growing and Travelling

 Hello! I'm back from a wonderful adventure! Last Tuesday I went to stay with a family from church who was hosting some visiting ministers so I could help out with cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. As always, even though there was a lot of work involved and not much rest, I had such a blast. This family is like my second family, and I go over there whenever I'm able to to play with the kids and help the mom out. ( Sorry, I'm not posting pictures of the kids, though I may try to upload a video of the girls singing VeggieTales songs in the car since it was at night and you can't see anything. )
 On Friday night we had a youth meeting and it was sooo good! Bro. Ken Boyer, a minister from Calgary, Alberta, spoke about Psalm 37. He particularly focused on verses 3-5 & 7 where it talks about trusting, delighting, committing, and resting in the Lord. What was so wonderful about the whole weekend was how much those things were in focus. There were so many testimonies of God's faithfulness and how we need to simply trust in Him and rest in Him because He will supply whatever we need when we have perfect confidence that He will take care of us. Between the youth meeting and the Saturday and Sunday services and all the constant fellowship with those of like precious faith, I really grew in the Lord. I found that I grew as a person as well. The more love I have for the Lord, the more my confidence in Him multiplies, and the more confident and complete I feel as a person. I am just so happy and excited over the change I have felt within myself over this past week! There is so much I could say, but that would make for a really, really long post so I shall move on. =)
 Another part of my travelling, besides going to this family's house, is Monday we all went to the coast! It was a perfect day! A sunny, windy 60 degrees. Considering all the rain we've been having, it was like being handed gold dust. =D We went to Mo's for lunch, then walked down the beach a ways watching the water and basking in the sun and watching the sea lions and collecting shells. Then we went to the Yaquina Head Lighthouse and for the first time I actually got to go up inside! It was really neat, all the history and architecture and the views. Then we went and got ice cream and coffee and then we went home. =D Pictures are following! But first, videos! The first one is Emily, who is three. Sorry about the argument in the background at the The second one is Anna and Amanda, who are 10 and 6.

Is it just me, or does this rock look like an alligator to anyone else??

Stairs going up to the top of the lighthouse. I really like this picture-yeah, i'm weird. =D
The lights of the lighthouse. I love how you can see the scenery behind me in the shiny copper reflector.

                                         The End & Bon Voyages! =D

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