Friday, April 20, 2012

Duh Da Da Dum!

 So it's the night ( actually, by now it is the day of the rehearsal! ) before my friend Marissa's wedding rehearsal and we have gotten a lot done the last two days I have been up here in Portland and there is still a lot of that last-minute stuff yet to accomplish. We have an amazing crew of people that is being so wonderful in pulling this wedding together. Right now I am at her Grandma Eunice's house ( her Dad's mom ) with Missy and her other bridesmaid Katy.
 We had a busy day with getting lost in Portland and getting dresses and jackets fitted and last-minute alteration decisions made and trips to malls and all that good stuff. While Missy was at work ( The crazy girl! Worked all week...bleh. Tried to talk her out of at least today, but she wouldn't listen. ) Kathy and I did hair masks to make our natural highlights pop out a bit more and I did a mud mask. When Missy got home from work this evening, we did her hair and she and Kathy did mud masks too. Holy cow! They made SUCH a fuss about the smell. It was hilarious.
 Grandma took us out to a lovely homestyle-cookin' restaurant for dinner, just her and Kathy and I. It was so fun! Kathy and I ordered hot chocolate...WHOA!!! I have never seen hot chocolate like this before. They served it in a gigantic mug with an enormous pile of whipped cream on top. Love. At. First. Sight. =D
 Yeah, so I can guess some people are thinking " I WANT TO SEE PICTURES!! " ...well, I will indulge you. =) I don't normally post yucky pics of me on anything, but this was for a worthy cause and and I wasn't the only one running around looking strange, ( =D ) so I am justifying my outrageous, gross pictures of me with that. Hahahaha. Without further ado:

Me and Kathy :) She is amazing :) I love this girl! She is true blue ( or red, since she's Canadian ) and we have sucha blast together.
 Me all slopped up in the herbal highlight-enhancing sludge, hahaha!
 And yes, this shirt says Victoria, Canada...I packed it totally not thinking about Kats being Canadian =D
 The awful plastic bag hat! Had to wear this for an HOUR! And imagine a mud mask, let's NOT!
 Kats getting her treatment. Her hair did AMAZING! Mine was a rat's nest all said and done, but her's was not...lucky ducky =)
 Out to eat...She is just as much in love with this drink as I am...and it really is about as big as it looks! =D
 All gone!
 Grandma Eunice and Kathy
 The Bride!
 Ain't she just so purdy? I love you Missy!
 Well, I should go...I have to finish getting some stuff done before I head to bed. I'm the last one up and I will be the first one up too. Six. A. M. - so I get 4 hrs sleep if I'm lucky. Ugh. SO worth it though. I'm getting up to take my shower first, but also to have some time alone with the Lord and do some serious praying for the day and the wedding and the days after the wedding.
 We all need Your strength Lord, each in our own way. Lift us up when we can't carry on another step, too weary to say a word or think a thought. Give us peace in our hearts and the love and joy that only Your Holy Spirit can bring. We thank You, Lord. We are so richly blessed- beyond measure. Bring home our wayward loved ones and grant us rest this night. May all who find rest and comfort in You and all those who especially need a touch from You wake recharged and refreshed from whatever amount of sleep they've had and ready to take on another day. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
 Bon Voyages, mi amores. I shall be back next week! Pray for us! We really need it-more than you could ever imagine.

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