Monday, February 18, 2013

Down Time

 Well, I finally have an entire day in which I can do pretty much as much or as little as I want. YAY! I don't plan on partying too hard. ;D The fact that I'm tired from an awesome day yesterday might have something to do with that. The fact that I'm feeling a tad under the weather might also. :( Oh well, it gives me a double excuse. :D hehehe.
 So, I have been really busy with school stuff. I did SO much last week it's crazy. Besides my regular 1-4, Tues-Thurs class time, I managed to fit in some job search stuff, financial aide stuff, church stuff, family stuff...that's a lot of stuff. :D I can't even say for sure what was my busiest day. I think maybe Thursday, because I spent the morning working on some things and getting ready to go to a friend's house for the weekend, then I went to school early, then our family went out to dinner straight from school, then I went to my friends' house.
 Saturday was awesome because in the afternoon we went to a Lewis and Clark movie thing. I guess you could call it a documentary. Someone narrated while a movie played of scenery and people acting out parts of the expedition. It was at a imax type of thing with a huge screen. IT WAS SO AWESOME!! I kept thinking, " God, what an amazing God You are, making all this wondrous beauty. " as clips of breath-taking scenery were shown.
 Sunday after service we had a wedding reception for a couple in our church that got married recently. God had really blessed our church lately. We have been growing in number and in the Word. It has been truly amazing. We have two new families originally from the Congo, both with kids the ages of the families already at church. That's been a lot of fun. :)
 Well, that's what's been going on with me this past week. I think now I'm gonna do some emails then take a nap. Ahhh, what a life. :D :D

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